The bestiary at present doesn’t give many examples of what a Vaarnish psychic actually looks like. Here is an attempt to rectify that error. Assume all of these creatures to be telepathic and conversant in Noospeech, although you may not like what some have to say.


Biological / Psychic
Level 1 / Armour 14 / Morale 1 / Encountered d6
Attacks: Beak (d6) / Dominate (EGO save vs Mind Control)

A flightless blue owl with delicate pink eyes. Psy-Owls are exceedingly lazy and have a peculiar hunting strategy, mentally dominating small animals and forcing them to climb into the owl’s beak. Larger creatures that fall under the Owl’s influence are tasked with capturing small lizards and desert mice and hand-feeding them to the gluttonous bird.

Seeker of Eyeless Wisdom

Biological / Psychic
Level 2 / Armour 11 / Morale 5 / Encountered d4
Attacks: Brain Burster (special) / Telekinesis (d6, STR save vs being lifted and thrown)

Acolytes of the Eyeless Path, who seek endarkenment within the subterranean halls of their hidden church. Aspirant seekers cloak their eyes in yellow bandages, and forgo speech in the hopes of strengthening their telepathic puissance.

Brain Burster: the signature psychic weapon of the cult, a fast-brewing brain embolism catalysed by psychic malice. For each combat round that the Seeker focuses their undivided attention on a target, the target takes 2 damage, with no to-hit roll required. This damage doubles each turn, unless the Seeker’s focus is broken by being attacked, or if they switch to a new target. Creatures without a brain cannot be harmed by this attack.

Fire Singer

Biological / Psychic
Level 1 / Armour 11 / Morale 9 / Encountered d6
Attacks: Dagger (d4) / Fireball (d8, flame)

Mystics, red-robed and masked in bronze. Their sect is an ancient one, born amongst the smouldering calderas of Ibbn Ut, a cult of blazing renewal that seeks to excise darkness and doubt like cancers. The red Singers wander like sparks in the wind, spreading their creed and their flame wherever it can catch alight.

Immunity: Fire Singers cannot be harmed by flames or heat. They swallow coals and meditate in bonfires to prove their faith.


Synthetic / Psychic
Level 1 / Armour 13 / Morale 3 / Encountered d6
Attacks: Over-firm handshake (d4) / Spamblast (EGO save vs Psychic Burden: Spam Ad)

Grinning glitching sales machines. Outriders of a long fallen commercial empire. Beam infectious maddening adverts into the brains of anything that moves.

Psychic Burden: Spam Ad. Fills one Item Slot. To erase this burden, make a sale pitch to five strangers regarding the bizarre product that impinges on your consciousness. Roll 1d6 to determine the nature of the phantasmal product you must promote:

  • 1 – Timeshare in a Lunar beachfront property
  • 2 – Collectible plastic figurines of forgotten cinema-gods
  • 3 – All-natural virility boosting pills
  • 4 – Painless at-home cosmetic surgery
  • 5 – Commemorative plates celebrating the coronation of an Autarch
  • 6 – Pyramid Scheme: the chance to buy part of an actual pyramid

Psyche Leech

Outsider / Psychic
Level 8 / Armour 14 / Morale 8 / Encountered 1
Attacks: 2 x Tendrils (d8) + Psyche Syphon (grab, d6 PSY drain per round, STR save to break free)

What appears to be a human is merely the beast’s shell: from within the ambling corpse’s skull blooms a ravenous tangle of questing tendrils. The otherworldly parasite is drawn to the brains of active psychics, plunging its rostrum deep into the cerebrum to drink greedily from the stores of power. Its eyeless regard picks out the Gleam of mystics just as a man’s gaze picks out a signal fire at dusk.

Gleam Seeker: PCs with Mystic Gifts are always visible to the Psyche Leech, regardless of distance. They cannot surprise the creature. It will relentlessly attack the PC with the most Gifts.

Gift Immunity: the Leech is immune to damage caused by Mystic Gifts.

This is an abridged version of a longer post on the Vaarn Patreon. Consider supporting if you like the work I do and want to continue reading more about the setting.

2 thoughts on “PSYCHIC CREATURES”

  1. Yoooo thanks for this post! I especially like the adaptation of Sunder Mind from Caves of Qud into Vaarn. The way my campaign is going, I suspect Spambots could have some long term consequences…. say… Pirate Crew that’s actually just a pyramid scheme.


    1. Cheers yeah I’ve been trying to think how to put Sunder Mind into Vaarn for a while and I think this works. It gives the Seekers a ‘signature’ move that’s always going to be dangerous no matter how heavily armoured or high level you are, which suits the faction. I’d be quite lenient with what breaks their concentration as they’re going to hit really hard after a few rounds of focus.

      The Spambots are another creature I’m quite pleased with and would really enjoy unleashing on a party, I think the roleplaying challenge they force on you is very fun.


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