The Shrike: Preview Chapters

We are just over one month away from the launch of the Kickstarter campaign for my infernal OSE pointcrawl megamodule, The Shrike. This book will be a modular sandbox adventure setting in a neglected fragment of Hell- a colossal blade dedicated to punishing a nameless God. The Shrike is a heaven-harrowing thorn, a black iron mountain with serrated spires of rock and rust, that pierces the heart of the God, causing divine blood to flow and nourish life within the corroded iron and stone megastructure.

Joel at Silverarm Press has chosen to share the first four of 11 chapters as a free preview. This is a pre-layout, pre-artwork raw text version, so you can sample the content on offer and decide if you want to back the full project. The Kickstarter preview page is here, and you will get an email when the project goes live.

We are still getting artwork through from Jantiff Illustration, and you can see another of his completed pieces as the header image for this post. He’s bringing something truly amazing to the project and I’m really hoping we can hit some of our stretch goals to pay for more of his art.

2 thoughts on “The Shrike: Preview Chapters”

    1. Totally agree, I wanted to find someone who could give us the same vibes as Gustav Dore’s illustrations for The Divine Comedy and Jan is delivering.


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